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  • Boost your gains with these 4 essential tips

Boost your gains with these 4 essential tips

I could have had 30% more muscle right now.

I could have had MONTHS more of progress.

I made the mistakes 97.2% beginners make. (100% real number I know)

These are the 4 things I wish someone had told me in my first month of the gym

1/ Stick to a routine

Good form is the most important skill you need to master.

Changing workouts every 3 weeks will never let you do that.


  1. Pick 2-3 exercises per muscle.

  2. Develop really good form.

  3. Spend 4-6 weeks progressively overloading.

Still not happy with the results? Fine, you’re allowed to make changes now.

Don’t judge an exercise after 2 days because it “didn’t work.”

2/ Dial in on your diet.

Building muscle is 20% exercise 80% diet.

It’s irrelevant how optimised your training is, truth is without essential nutrients the body can’t just materialise muscle mass.


  • 200-300 calorie surplus/deficit.

  • 0.8g protein /lb bodyweight.

  • Carbs/Fats as per your preference.

  • Calorie tracking.

Eat as much as your diet allows.

Food is fuel, remember that.

3/ Make working out a habit

How to program yourself to hit the gym no matter what:
  • Start by going for just 5 mins a day.

  • Slowly increase the amount of time.

  • If you can’t go to the gym, do pushups.

Build your self image as an athlete.

Every time you don’t feel like working out, think, would an athlete skip a workout just because he didn’t feel like it?

Sounds stupid, but it works.

Set a bare-minimum amount so you can check off the “Workout” box of your day.

Mine is 1 set of push ups.

Just don’t miss a day.

4/ More training does not equal more gains.

It’s hard to believe, but trust me.

3-4 times a week is more than enough.


Working out builds zero muscle.

It does the exact opposite.

The time outside of the gym is when muscle is built.

That’s all I have for this one.



P.S I’m new to this newsletter stuff, so forgive me for any mistakes. I've got a lot to learn.